How SEO Can Help Your Business

Webeaters Technologies Ltd
7 min readApr 29, 2021


If you’ve ever thought about how to get your website on the first list of Google search results, Search Engine Optimization is the solution you’ve been waiting for. It’s a crucial part of any good company website (or any website, for that matter!) If you want prospective buyers to be able to locate you, you must make it easier for them to do so. Ideally, quickly and effectively, and SEO is the secret to achieving that goal.

In a nutshell, SEO refers to the tools and approaches that people use to make it as convenient as possible for search engines to locate and filter their pages, making it easier for future clients to find them as well. There are several methods for optimising the platform, ranging from strategic backlinks to reaching the ideal keyword density and many more. Search Engine Optimization is a huge challenge, but it is well worth the time and commitment it requires to achieve it correct.

But you don’t have to be an SEO specialist to learn from it — we’ve got a whole team of Nerds here at A Webeaters who can help. We’re happy to begin improving your website right away, and we invite you to contact us to learn more about how we can make your site attractive to search engines.

These 12 explanations should help companies understand why they need SEO to take their brand to the next level, regardless of their sector or scale.

1. Organic Search Is Always the Primary Source of Website Traffic

Organic search is an important aspect of most businesses’ website results, as well as a key component of the customer funnel and eventually bringing consumers to convert or participate.

As advertisers are well aware, Google controls a much greater share of the search market than rivals such as Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, and several others. That isn’t to say that all search engines don’t help a company get noticed; they do; it’s just that Google controls about 75% of the global search industry. It is the unmistakable king, so its directives are crucial.

However, the remaining 25% of the industry, which is controlled by other engines, is clearly attractive to brands as well.

Google is the most popular email provider in the world, as well as the most visited website in the world (specifically in the United States) (with more than 1 billion users). Not to mention the fact that YouTube is the second most popular search engine.

We know that the vast majority of the world’s internet users use Google at least once a day to get information.

A brand’s visibility as a trustworthy resource on Google and other search engines will still work in its favour. Brands get there thanks to good SEO and a good website.

2. SEO Increases Credibility and Trust

Any seasoned SEO’s aim is to lay a solid base for a beautiful website with a smooth, effective user interface that is easily discoverable in quest thanks to the brand’s confidence and reputation and its digital assets’ trust and credibility.

Where it comes to search engines like Google, there are a lot of factors that go into determining authority. In addition to the above reasons, authority is built over time as a result of factors such as:

· high-quality backlink profiles.

· User activity that is positive.

· Signals from machine learning

· On-page elements and content have been optimized.

However, establishing the authority would benefit a brand more than any, if not all, other digital optimization. The problem is that, much as in real life, it’s hard to establish confidence and reputation overnight. Over time, authority is won and created.

It takes time, dedication, and attention to establish a brand as an authority, but it often requires providing a valuable, high-quality product or service that encourages consumers to trust a brand.

3. A Better User Experience is also a Result of Good SEO.

All needs to improve their organic ranks and increase their exposure. Few people know that providing the best possible customer interface is a huge part of getting there.

Google has figured out how to view a good or bad user interface, and a good user experience has been critical to a website’s performance.

Customers are well-informed of what they desire. There would be a concern if they cannot locate it. And as a result, results would suffer.

Google’s evolution as a search engine that provides users with the information they need right on the SERPs (search engine results pages) is an excellent example of how to provide a positive user experience.

The aim is to provide consumers with the knowledge they need in less taps, more efficiently and conveniently.

A good customer interface is incorporated into quality SEO, and it is leveraged to act in a brand’s favor.

4. Local SEO Means Increased Engagement, Traffic & Conversions

Local search has been a critical part of the growth of small and medium-sized companies, thanks to the growth and the dominance of mobile traffic.

Local SEO helps to optimize your digital assets for a particular geographic area so that users can locate you quickly and conveniently, bringing them closer to a purchase.

Local optimizations target individual towns, counties, territories, and even states in order to provide a competitive platform for a brand’s branding on a local scale.

SEO professionals do this through updating a brand’s website and materials, as well as local citations and backlinks, as well as local listings specific to the brand’s position and market field.

5) SEO Impacts the Buying Cycle

Customers do due diligence. From the standpoint of a customer, this is one of the most significant benefits of the internet.

The importance and dependability of what you give consumers would be a game changer if you use SEO strategies to relay the messaging for good deals, innovative goods and/or services, and the importance and dependability of what you offer customers.

When done correctly, it would certainly have a positive effect on the purchasing period.

For a meaningful relation to be made, brands must be evident in the areas where consumers need them. Local SEO improves the exposure and allows prospective buyers to find the solutions they need, as well as the companies that can provide them.

6) Understanding SEO Helps You Understand the Web Environment.

It can be difficult to remain on top of trends when they occur in the ever-changing climate that is the World Wide Web.

However, remaining on top of SEO necessitates becoming aware of significant shifts in the quest landscape.

Knowing the online world, including the strategies employed by other nearby, comparable companies and rivals, will still be advantageous to such brands.

7) SEO Is Relatively Cheap Service

And, it is costly. Isn’t that what the best products do?

Still, in the grand scheme of things, SEO is comparatively inexpensive, and the payout would almost certainly be significant in terms of a brand’s benefit and bottom line.

This isn’t a publicity expense; it’s a genuine investment in the business. For years to come, good SEO implementation will hold up. And, as with other things in life, it can only get easier with time.

8) Long Term Strategy

SEO will (and ideally will) make a significant difference during the first year of implementation, and all of those decisions will have a long-term effect.

Yeah, as the industry progresses, it’s best to keep a close eye on the patterns and improvements. Basic SEO best practices applied on an honest website with a good user interface would benefit even a blog that hasn’t implemented a boatload of extreme SEO guidelines.

And the more SEO time, attention, and money a website devotes to it, the better and longer it can be a viable competitor in its business.

9) It Can Be Measured.

Though SEO doesn’t have the same easy-to-calculate ROI as paid quest, with proper monitoring and analytics, you can quantify almost everything.

The only issue is attempting to link the dots on the back end when there is no definitive way to comprehend the relationship between any acts taken.

Nonetheless, it’s important to comprehend how such acts are meant to effect success and development, and ideally they do.

Every successful SEO will be looking for those gains, so drawing the dots shouldn’t be difficult.

In terms of digital success, brands still want to know where they were, where they are, and where they are going. Especially in the case of SEO, where an individual or organization is being paid to carry out the task on their behalf.

There’s no finer way to demonstrate SEO’s effectiveness. Data, as we all know, never lies.

10) SEO Bring New Opportunity to Your Business

High-quality SEO will still find a way to uncover and capitalize on fresh possibilities for brands to shine, not just be found.

Offering high-quality SEO to brands entails immersing an SEO team in all aspects of the brand. Being a stakeholder is the best way to genuinely sell a company with the love and understanding that the supporters have for it.

The more a brand is understood, the more opportunities can present themselves to assist it in growing. The same can be said for search engine optimization (SEO).

11) SEO Gets Your Business on Page 1 of Google

In the world of SEO, it’s no mystery that if you’re not on Page 1, you’re probably not winning the organic search round.

According to a new survey, the top three organic search ranking positions account for almost 40% of all click-through, although up to 30% of all results on Pages 1 and 2 are never clicked.

What does this imply? There are two points to consider:

You should be on Page 1 if you aren’t already.

There are also many too many cases where a person types a search query and is unable to locate out what they want.

Final Thoughts

Good, high-quality SEO on a company’s website and digital resources will still benefit the company and its marketing activities.

It’s a “modern era” marketing tactic, but it’s vital to a company’s online presence in this day and age, particularly as the amount of data accessible and the competition grows.



Webeaters Technologies Ltd

Webeaters is a Cardiff based Web Designing ltd company composed of a team of web design professionals including web designers, SEO & Digital Marketing team.